
Giving Tanks

The last few days of long drives and "mildly" overeating at every meal have provided a bit of time to reflect and appreciate how far DEEP Brewing Company has come over the past year and enforce the revelation of how much we truly have to be thankful for.

 ~Begin Flashback~

This time a year ago we had just taken delivery of our brewing equipment and we're working feverishly to get our plans submitted to the City of Tallahassee before everyone downtown began taking time off for the holidays... 

After 3 months of permitting woes, 4 months of construction... with all requisite delays and cost overruns... and a bit of brewing on my trusty 10 gallon steed (homebrew system), we held a "below the radar" opening to a fervent crowd of over 200 people during what felt like the hottest day of 2016... Thankfully the 80 gallons we had on hand was just barely enough beer to get through the day and keep everyone "hydrated!"

A few more "soft" Saturday's over the course of the summer and finally getting our main BrewHouse up and running, we officially opened the doors to the tasting room on the last weekend in August not knowing that the following weekend would have us scrambling to save our precious golden suds from the ravages of Hurricane Hermine and the subsequent loss of power.

During the past two months we've been joined by our fans while we explored and experimented with a number of new recipes, expanded the tasting room by adding a dock and some outdoor seating, and most importantly... invited two awesome and talented people to join this small family-run venture!

The bulk of our thanks for this year go to our loyal fans, customers new and old, and DBC's beer-vangelists that help drive a constant flow of new faces into the brewery every weekend. Also, due to the help, support, and sacrifices made by our family over the past year... DEEP carries no debt and answers to no investor... For that we are forever grateful and can truthfully say we answer only to those who walk through our front door and order a beer.

Thank you for coming along for the journey thus far, and helping to sow the seeds for what is to come!

Brewing Greater Depths,

Facilitator of Fermentation and Scrubber of Floors

Ryan S LaPete